Saturday, September 4, 2010

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. Epictetus

I can't believe I've already been in the classroom for three weeks! I have also learned more than I thought I would. It makes the job even more exciting knowing that I will never really know everything, and I will continue to learn more and more throughout my teaching career. It's fun reading back through my blogs and remembering all that I had done this week.  It feels so long ago already and yet everything seemed like it just happened yesterday. It's fun listening to my CT tell her stories about teaching and it seems that she too has those 'feels like yesterday moments' except hers were quite awhile ago.

Friday our new student was not in the classroom and I decided to observe what the class was like without her. It was like night and day. The students seemed to be less on edge (didn't worry about the new student bothering them). They were a lot quieter in the hallways because they weren't complaining about her doing something. Sadly before when she sat in the learning area there was a space all the way around her because she had a hard time sitting still and keeping hands to herself. Yesterday the students were all sitting close together and closer to the front. I feel bad for the student because she doesn't really understand what she is doing yet and she just wants to be accepted by others. It's amazing how just one person can change the dynamics of the classroom. It goes to show that teachers really have to adjust their lessons for each class and must really know their students well in order to grab their attention and so that they understand.

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