Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To be, or not to be a kid again!

Today I was "working" at summit. I got to blow bubbles, play with bugs, and all sorts of other fun kid stuff. One thing that I love about this job (after school program) is that its a time where kids can just be kids at school. Today I incorporated some "school" stuff. My goal is to help create a better portfolio for myself in this, well not so great, economy. I utilized stations and creativity. The stations included: Science (one of the favs) where they had to find bugs. Music: (another fav) I had bottles and filled them up with different levels of water for the kids to tap or blow into. Art: (third fave) the had to draw something they see on from the bench. History: Read about someone famous from Iowa. Writing: Write a story about what it would be like to fly for a day/what would you do. Gym: least favorite because they had just done this, but how many push-ups/sit ups etc. I didn't have to do this for the job. Everyone else just lets them run around outside and is basically the babysitter. But what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't take this opportunity to throw fun and learning together? Afterwords I had a lot of great compliments both in person and on my facebook page from the other staff.

I can't think of something more frustrating that a lazy teacher.... Ok I know that seems out of the blue, but after all this work for just $10/hr and no pay for prep time, or even health benefits.... only reason is for the kids to learn and enjoy just being kids. And there are still teachers out there with jobs in this economy who are lazy and would prefer to just give out pre-made worksheets because actually doing something would be to much hassle for them. In someways teacher pay based on test scores and effort put forth would be better than salary and the union backing them up. Don't get me wrong, the union is a great thing and does a lot of good. They protect good teachers from getting taken advantage of. But unfortunately they also protect the bad teachers from getting fired.

As a up and coming teacher I feel frustrated because I am entering a job market where there are teachers retiring and not having jobs replaced, ok teachers keeping their jobs, great teachers who are new or at the bottom of the list because they have a lack in "experience" not being resigned and others like me who have almost no chance at all. Above everything else a country needs to focus on education, then everything else after that. Not just because I'm a teacher, but because knowledge is power.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

even on my weakest days....

So it's been awhile since I've written here and a lot has happened. But tonight I saw something that somewhat upset me and made me see things from a different light.

I had a not so great day at a school that I student taught at. I left with a negative attitude and thinking about how much I'm going to dread going to school tomorrow. First off, I have to remember that tomorrow is a new day just like turning the page in a note book. If you make a mistake there's always another chance.

Then tonight I read on Facebook a post between a few other subs. One sub had a bad day and posted about it... That lead into dissing a school and another sub said how they would never go back to that school and how the children there are horrible. I understand how someone could have a bad day, but is that fair to state on a public forum how horrid a school is? Just because one class (or maybe even 2) classes where not all that great behaved, doesn't make the school a bad place. That isn't fair to the teachers who are working very hard with the students, that isn't fair to the students who are really trying. Students are not "bad kids" just because they act in away that goes against the norm. I believe some kids are not meant to be in a school setting. I think it's frustrating for them to have to wait to be called on to answer a question, or to stop in the middle of an assignment in order to go on to the next thing. This can cause a lot of frustration, thus leading to seemingly bad behaviors.

I had a student who I reflected a lot on at the end of the day. He was often thought of as being "defiant" or "rude" basically because he wanted to share the knowledge he had and didn't want to just wait to be called on. Then when he wasn't called out he just blurt out. This student was also very intelligent and acted more mature for his age. I saw this student again earlier today and I could tell he did not like his surroundings and I've heard from his teacher that he just wants to go to a different school. I am a guest teacher in his room on Friday and I know before we butted heads. I'm hoping to use my new understanding and maybe it will help...

Back to my original thought... A school shouldn't be put down because of one bad class. I think as teachers we need to try and look deeper at what is causing the issues, why are the students acting like they are and what needs are we not meeting for them. I think we must remember why we wanted to become teachers in the first place and realize we have one of the most important and challenging jobs.